History of Playing Cards research book
The History of Playing Cards book was a research driven project I created in my history of graphic design class. In this book I researched the early history and origins of playing cards, the functions, the meaning behind the design, and additional newer designs of modern, custom playing cards. In total, it contains 97 pages. 

History of Playing Cards additional spreads

Graphic Design II Class Process Book 
This process book contains the projects I made in my graphic design II class for the entire semester. It not only contains images of the final projects, but images of the process to the final results and my thoughts during their creation. In total, it contains 130 pages.

Graphic Design II Process Book additional spreads

Toothbrush Magazine
The Toothbrush Magazine was the final project of my typography class where I was tasked to research and design a magazine containing the topic of my choice. In total, it contains 56 pages.

Toothbrush Magazine additional spreads

Reality Check 2023 Senior Exhibition Book
This book contains the designs and art works of the 2023 senior studio class at Wayne State University. It was created to showcase the work of the seniors for their exhibition called Reality Check. 

Reality Check 2023 Senior Exhibition Book additional spreads

credit for image mockups: rawpixel.com on Freepik

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